Rénovation à la carte program

The municipal program Renovation à la Carte provides financial assistance to property owners for the renovation or replacement of certain exterior or interior components of their residential or mixed-use building. The program’s objectives include preventing the decay of residential rental buildings and encouraging their modernization through selective renovation work.

Many types of work are eligible, such as cladding, crown, doors and windows, balconies, staircases and railings, roof, bathroom, kitchen, electrical panel, heating system, basement and landscaping of the backyard. For the non-residential section of mixed-use buildings, only work on external components is eligible. For more information and for the complete list of eligible work, please check the Rénovation à la Carte Program on City of Montreal’s Website.

To be eligible, the work must be performed under the complete responsibility of a general contractor duly licensed by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec. The work must be completed within six months of the city’s approval. Restaure-Action, your masonry general contractor in Montreal, has the knowledge, qualifications and expertise to take on your renovations.

What you need to know…

  1. The building was constructed or converted into a residential or mixed-use building (a building that is both residential and commercial) at least 20 years ago.
  2. The average property value per unit (land and building) does not exceed the maximum amounts listed in the chart “Building Eligibility” of the Rénovation à la Carte Program.
  3. Families with at least one child under 18 who are resident landlords of a building with one, two or three above-ground dwellings are eligible for financial assistance regardless of the value of their property, if it is located in specific sectors designated by the program.
  4. The owner cannot receive financial assistance from other sources for the same work unless it is to improve the building’s energy efficiency or to replace a heating system.
  5. The program encourages owners to restore components with heritage value instead of replacing them.
  6. Under an agreement between Hydro-Québec and City of Montreal, additional financial aid to owners of residential buildings situated in a designated sector could be available if the work includes measures to increase the building’s energy efficiency.

Please note that owners of residential buildings planning a complete renovation of their building should check if they are eligible for financial assistance under the program for Major Residential Renovation Program.

Contact the Restaure-Action team now, for any questions, or to get a quote on your renovations!

Source : Rénovation à la Carte Program, City of Montreal


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